Our Story
The Micronutrient Forum was first established in 2006, merging the International Nutritional Anemia Consultative Group (INACG) and the International Vitamin A Consultative Group (IVACG). Funding for these groups and this transition was provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). These organizations brought more than 30 years of global experience in research, policy, and program issues related to iron and vitamin A to the Forum.
Two Global Conferences were convened by the Forum: in Istanbul in 2007, and in Beijing in 2009.
In 2011, after a period of dormancy, individuals with common interests in diverse issues related to micronutrients met to assess the long-term viability of the Forum. Its usefulness as a means for exchanging scientific, programming and policy information on micronutrients among scientists and public health professionals led to its renewal, with the recommendation for a continued focus on effective scaling up of programs and improved biomarkers, monitoring and evaluation, and multi-sector integration of micronutrient activities.
Three additional Global Conferences have been convened: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2014, Cancun, Mexico in 2016 , and the virtual CONNECTED Conference in 2020 (originally planned for Bangkok)
The Micronutrient Forum is built on a broad foundation of technical and financial support. Leadership is provided by the Executive Director, Dr. Saskia Osendarp, and an international Board of Directors. Board members are actively involved in issues related to micronutrients from academia and diverse normative, policy and implementing organizations across the globe.