World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations outline the importance of reducing sodium intake, and promote potassium intake (3.5g/d) as a means to reduce blood pressure and decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and coronary heart diseases. The WHO recommends the consumption of less than 2g/day (5g of salt) of sodium in adults and revises down this consumption for children in terms of energy expenditure and age. Moreover, a large portion of the Moroccan population is affected by non communicable diseases (NCDs). In fact, 33% suffer from hypertension, and 13% are obese.The present study was planned to assess the status of sodium and potassium in a Moroccan children living in Rabat and nearest areas. This study takes place as part of the national action plan for the fight against NCDs
A total of 400 children is recruired. For each participant, socio-economic and morbidity status are assessed and anthropometric parameters are measured. Sodium and potassium status are assessed by the 24h-recall and the 24h-urine are analyzed by ICP-AES. The completeness of urine was confirmed by creatinine analysis
Up to now 100 children, are recruited. Results obtained from dietary recall 24 showed that the mean of salt in these children is 6.92g/day. Similarly, and urine analysis showed that the mean of salt intake is (5.12± 1.8 g/day), so 48.5% consume more than 5g/d of salt. We observed significant difference by age (age =8y: 4.05± 1.8 g/d; age >8y: 5.4± 1.8g/d of salt. the mean of potassium was (1.5± 1.19g/d), 99% of children consume less than recommended values.
The dietary sodium intake of children was Higher compared to the WHO recommended, and there potassium consumption is very low. Thus, national strategy to reduce salt intake, and to promote potassium intake, and therefore limit associated NCDs, is very necessary