Estimating the investment required and expected economic returns of scaling up micronutrient powders in Nigeria

Abstract Number Theme Presentation Type Cover Approved
0380 Financing for micronutrient interventions Oral Not Approved


Abstract Content


Almost 26 million Nigerian children are anaemic. To address the problem, a joint vision to distribute Micronutrient Powder (MNP) linked with Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) promotion was developed. The aim of the programme is to reach 90% of the 11.3 million children aged 6-23 months annually by progressively rolling out the intervention in all 37 States by 2019.


The Primary Health Centres costing model was used to estimate the cost required to rollout the intervention in 10,732 health facilities. Activity costs were derived based on real program testing in selected facilities in three States. Economic returns for the programme were calculated using World Bank calculations of 37.1 USD returns for every 1 USD invested.


If the programme is scaled up in all States by 2019, over 25 million children will be reached cumulatively over four years. The cost for one child reached per year is estimated at 3.46 USD. In total the scale up will require 81.2 million USD, 78% for procurement, 7% for training, 10% for behaviour change and 13% for monitoring and evaluation The investment will result in economic returns of 3 billion USD.


MNP represents a low cost, high return investment for Nigeria, especially considering that IYCF promotion has been incorporated in the programme costs. This exercise has generated strong evidence that this integrated approach will be one the most cost effective and feasible intervention to scale up in Nigeria.

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