Evaluate the iron and folic acids content of bakery products made with fortified wheat flour according to the levels regulated by the country law and determine the contribution to Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA).
Descriptive research. The final iron and folic acids content of unfortified and fortified wheat flour, as well as some bakery products made with fortified wheat flour was evaluated. These samples came from three mills in the country. It was evaluated the contribution of iron and folic acids content per serving of baked products according to the Recommended Dietary Allowances.
The final iron content was stable during the baking process of bakery products while there was an increase in folic acid content of about 66.8%. The contribution per serving of bakery products to the recommended dietary allowances ranged between 5% to 15% and 6% to 12% for iron and folic acid, respectively, according to age groups.
It´s necessary to consider reformulating the addition of micronutrients to wheat flour in order to enhance the contribution to recommended dietary allowances per serving of bakery products.