To combat vitamin D and protein deficiencyTo fortify foods with vitamin DTo complete nutritional requirement of women in pre and post delivery periodTo improve the nutritional status of mother and the new bornTo incorporate the nutritionally rich diet in their food systemTo make them accessable to vitamin and protein diet
A selection of 25 Women in 6 th month of pregenancy and 25 women post delivery. The age group was 20-35 while included their 2nd or 3rd pregnancy.200gm of Pulse UV 3pulse/sec bambarded mushroom was consumed by each women weekly.The Mushrooms (Agaricus biporous) were sliced and exposed to pulse uv for 3 pulses per second manufactured by Xenon corporation,USA.The estimation of vitamin D in mushrooms was done by HPLCEstimated by of vitamin D in women was done by spot test stripsThe blood test were carried out once a month.
A deficiency of vitamin D was observed in pregnant womenand mothers of the new born.The vitamin D values 11-19 ng/mL before the external fortified vitamin D was providedAfter 3 months of 200 gms weekly consumption,constant intake of the bambarded mushrooms (Agaricous biporous) brought a rise in vitamin D levels.The values were ranging from 39-47 ng/mL
The pulse UV bambardment on mushroom (Agaricous biporus) may be considered as a supplimentary source of vitamin D.The 3 pulse per second may be considered as standard in Strategic system of fortification of vitamin D.The study of higher pulse per second may be recommended.