Pregnant adolescents and pregnant adult women in Bangladesh have similarly inadequate dietary micronutrient intakes

Abstract Number Theme Presentation Type Cover Approved
0271 Dietary assessment: methods and results Poster Not Approved


Abstract Content


Micronutrient deficiencies are prevalent among childbearing age women, but little information is available on adolescent girls’ micronutrient intake in South Asia. This study aims to: 1) compare the probability of adequacy (PA) of micronutrient intakes between pregnant adolescents (n=162) and pregnant adult women (n=438); 2) examine the performance of the new women’s dietary diversity score (WDDS-10 food groups (FG) for predicting mean PA (MPA) of 11 micronutrients in adolescents and estimating the percentage with greater likelihood of meeting micronutrient needs (using recommended >5 FG cut-off).


We used data from a household survey conducted in Bangladesh in 2015 and estimated WDDS and micronutrient intakes using 24-hour recall complemented by food weighing.


There were no statistically significant differences between adolescent and adult pregnant women in mean WDDS (4.6 ±1.3), MPA (0.44 ±0.19), or any PA for individual micronutrients. PAs were low (<0.30) for vitamin A, B-2, B-12 and folate; extremely low for bioavailable iron (0.04); and 0.37-0.45 for zinc. WDDS was significantly associated with MPA in adjusted models (R2 ~0.50). Using an MPA of 0.50, the best WDDS cut-off point for both groups was 6 FG (correctly classified 65.2%, compared to 52.5% with the currently recommended cut-off of 5 FG).


The diets of Bangladeshi pregnant adolescents and pregnant adult women were similar and alarmingly inadequate in several micronutrients. The WDDS predicted MPA equally well for both groups, but a 6 FG cut-off was superior to the recommended 5 FG for classifying likelihood of meeting micronutrient needs.

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