Prevalence of vitamin A deficiency among lactating mothers and infants in Bhaktapur, Nepal

Abstract Number Theme Presentation Type Cover Approved
0453 Prevalence and risk factors for micronutrient status(deficiency, overload) Poster Not Approved


Abstract Content


To estimate vitamin A status by measuring plasma trans retinol concentrations among lactating Nepalese mothers and their infants and explore variables associated with it.


In a cross-sectional survey, a total of 500 randomly selected lactating mother-infant pairs were enrolled and vitamin A deficiency and marginal deficiency was defined when trans retinol was <0.70 µmol/L and <1.05 µmol/L, respectively.


The mean (SD), median and IQR of trans retinol among infants were 0.96 µmol/L (0.25), 0.95 µmol/L and 0.79-1.1 µmol/L, respectively. Similar figures among mothers were 1.5 µmol/L (0.46), 1.5 µmol/L and 1.2-1.8 µmol/L. The prevalence of vitamin A deficiency and marginal deficiency was 3 and 13% among mothers which was fivefold higher among infants. None of the mothers and infants were severely deficient (<0.35 µmol/L) in vitamin A. In spearman analysis, vitamin A status of mother was positively correlated with infant status (r= 0.12) and 25% infants of mothers with low vitamin A status (<1.05 µmol/L) were vitamin A deficient while it was only 13% among infants of mother with normal vitamin A status (p=0.01).The final presentation will describe risk factors for child and maternal deficiency of vitamin A including maternal dietary intake, breastfeeding, infection measured by CRP, and status of other nutrients


Vitamin A deficiency particularly among breastfed infants is a moderate public health problem and correlated with the mother status. Our results highlight the importance of continued vitamin A supplementation for children and also improve vitamin A status by expanding food fortification or diversification.

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