To assess the degree to which provision of micronutrient fortified foods alongside nutrition education enhances achievement of dietary diversitySpecifically:Assess the proportion of children achieving MAD
A simple random sampling strategy was applied to provide statistically representative information at district level. Inclusion criteria for the survey was any household with children aged 6-23 months in Nyamagabe and Rutsiro districts. 774 children 6-23 months were surveyed (including 405 in Nyamagabe and 369 in Rutsiro. Respondents for the interviews were mothers or caregivers of the sampled children.
Study showed that one third of children 6-23 months in Nyamagabe and Rutsiro improved in MAD from 12 and 8 percent at the baseline in August 2014 to 33 and 34 percent respectively in the November 2015 outcomes monitoring. IX. Children enrolled in Supplementary Feeding Programme (SFP) with a mother/caretaker who received nutrition education (IYCN) achieved MAD at a higher rate (46 percent) than who were enrolled but whose mother/caretaker did not receive nutrition education (30 percent) and those who were non-enrolled in the SFP (8 percent) (p<0.001).
The effects of project enrolment, specifically SFP enrolment, are responsible for a child achieving MAD across all FCS groups. Enrolment in SF and consumption of CSB++ is linked to improved IYCF MAD, MMF, MDD. The One UN nutrition project must focus on not only increasing enrolment and complementarity across all project components but include nutrition education to maximize the positive impacts seen in both household food security and IYCF (MAD) which contribute to the project objective to reduce stunting and anemia among children.