Review of potassium iodate (KIO3) supply chain mechanism for Universal Salt Iodization Program (USIP) in Pakistan

Abstract Number Theme Presentation Type Cover Approved
0424 Methods for assessing human function in micronutrient interventions Poster Approved


Abstract Content


The Micronutrient Initiative is implementing USIP in partnership with Pakistan government and other partners to increase the production of adequatelyiodized saltand use at household level. Un-interrupted supply of KIO3 is critical for a successful USIP. A revolving fund allows salt processors ready access to KIO3 through systematized rotation of stock. The objective of this study was to review current supply chain mechanism of KIO3 for USIP including revolving fund’s processes, effectiveness and sustainability


A qualitative study was conducted in Islamabad, Punjab, Sindh and AJ&K from January to April 2015. The primary data were derived from fifty in-depth interviews with government and development partners, as well as fund manager and salt processors. Secondary data including additional literature such as reports and publications were also reviewed


A majority of respondents reported positive feedback about the revolving fund process, its management structure, transparent and cost effective system for procurement and distribution of KIO3. The key reported success factors include hassle free availability of KIO3 to salt processors at their door steps. However, a few of salt processors suggested alternative payments system.The study revealed that no imbalance exists between supply and demand of KIO3. All visited processors were having KIO3 stocks as per their requirement.


The mechanism of storage and procurement of KIO3 was found to be aligned with established objectives and maintaining standard operating procedures. It is not only cost effective but all desired objectives such as KIO3 acceptability, availability and accessibility are also being achieved.

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