To evaluate whether maternal supplementation with a lipid based nutrient supplement (LNS) would increase infant micronutrient intake from breast milk.
The randomized cross-over design included 30 mother-infant dyads 4-6 months postpartum in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. In three 8-hour milk collection visits the mother received a single bolus dose of 30 g LNS (B), 10 g of LNS divided over 3 time points (D), or no LNS (C). Mid-feed milk samples were collected and milk consumption measured at each infant feed. Maternal blood was collected and diet and maternal and infant anthropometrics assessed. The primary outcome was infant vitamin intake from breast milk, estimated from micronutrient analyses and infant milk consumption. AOV and pair-wise comparisons were used to examine effect of dosing regimen. Clinicaltrials.gov (NCT02464111).
Of 26 dyads completing the study, 24 are included in this preliminary milk B12 analysis, 8 in milk riboflavin, B6, niacin and thiamin analyses, and 29 in plasma B12 analysis. The prevalence of deficient (< 150 pmol/L) and marginal (150-221 pmol/L) maternal B12 status was 7% and 24%, respectively. On average, during the 8h after their mother received LNS (B or D) infants consumed 6% & 3% more riboflavin (p=0.012) and 2% & 1% more B12 (p= 0.001) compared to C. Neither B nor D increased infant B6 (p=0.328), niacin (p= 0.490) or thiamin (p= 0.408) intake compared to no-supplement.
Maternal supplementation with LNS as a bolus or divided dose increased infant riboflavin and B12 intake, but not B6, niacin, or thiamin intake.