Affordable Nutritious Foods for Women (ANF4W) is a public-private strategic alliance comprising GIZ, BASF and smaller technology partners. Its aim is to improve the availability of affordable staple foods fortified with micronutrients that are relevant for women of reproductive age in Kenya and Tanzania. This is achieved by improving technical capacity for food fortification among local oil and flour millers as well as strengthening monitoring and regulatory systems around fortified food. Another objective is to increase broader nutrition awareness in the target group through communication activities.
The project takes a specific effort towards small scale millers who account for 40% of staple food production in Tanzania and reach the rural populations most in need. Local authorities are supported with portable analytical equipment, newly developed by project partner BioAnalyt, that allow for cost-effective monitoring of micronutrients in fortified foods. The partnership especially targets the nutrition of women of reproductive age and ultimately maternal health by fortifying staple foods with micronutrients critical during this stage. Thereby, childrens health is also addressed, via micronutrients that mothers transmit to children.
In collaboration with the local partners, ANF4W contributed to a total coverage of approximately 23.3 m people with affordable fortified foods by the end of 2014. Among this reached population, at least 1 million are estimated to be women at reproductive age with a high risk of micronutrient deficiencies.
Improving fortification capacity of local millers and strengthening regulatory systems can significantly improve affordability and availability of fortified foods. A public-private strategic alliance can effectively achieve this objective.