Guinea is among the few countries in West Africa that had not yet introduced micronutrient powders (MNPs). MNPs are generally introduced through the system usingCommunity Health workers (CHWs). This study explores how women’s group empowerment could influence acceptance, delivery, and use of micronutrient powders in communities.
The study was carried out in two regions of Guinea based on prior selection to receive MNPs. The study compared two MNPs delivery mechanisms: 1)Women groups only, versus 2) CHW and women groups. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews of key informants.
Women’s groups in the two arms were more enthused to support MNP programming compared to community health workers. Targeted women’s groupleaders who participated in the initial trainingwith CHW were more likely to report that they have replicated the training at community level. While CHW report lower willingness to replicate; pointing out time constraints and competing priorities (immunization, Ebola social mobilization and other ongoing campaigns).
In this context, the delivery of MNPs through women’s groups may be an effective and complementary delivery mechanism compared to delivery through community health workers alone.This study provides key insights into the effective scale-upof anMNP programme.