Alverson, CJ 

Author Profile and Abstracts

Abstracts Authored

or participated in

Anemia determinants and severity of micronutrient deficiencies and malaria in children and non-pregnant women in Sierra Leone prior to the Ebola outbreak

Objectives To identify factors associated with anemia and describe the severity of micronutrient deficiencies, malaria, in Sierra Leonean children and women. Methods A nationally representative cross-sectional survey randomly selected children 6-59 months and non-pregnant women 15-49 years of age. Blood samples were collected from children and women to measure the presence of malaria parasites, and

Anemia enigma: exploring the rapid reduction of child anemia in developing countries

Objectives Despite modest progress in reducing stunting, reductions in anemia prevalence have been very rapid in many number of developing countries. This paper aims to first document the extent of this reduction across countries and regions, and then to statistically identify significant risk factors for anemia, and how these have changed over time. Methods DHS

Another way milk vitamin A protects infants from mortality: positive correlation between vitamin A and secretory immunoglobulin A antibody in breast milk of mothers in rural Kenya

Objectives Secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) is an antibody that tolerates harsh intestinal environments and provides effective protection against pathogens that may penetrate the mucosal lining on the human digestive system. Infants have immature immune systems and are unable to produce adequate amounts of sIgA until childhood and therefore susceptible to infections. sIgA in maternal milk

Antenatal care in Rabat and outskirts, Morocco: risk factors for non-attendance

Objectives Antenatal care (ANC) is a preventative measure that improves both mother and newborn health outcomes.The objective is to describe the compliance and determining factors for non-attendance are scarce and urgently needed to improve ANC in Morocco, if necessary. Methods During October 2014, mothers attending an urban paediatric hospital in Rabat or a rural clinic

Antioxidant micronutrient status and pregnancy outcomes in Ghanaian adolescents attending antenatal clinic in urban (Suntreso) and rural (Mampong) hospitals

Objectives Antioxidants are important in maintaining cellular function in normal pregnancy and are needed for mitigating the effects of oxidative stress. However, there is paucity of information on the importance of antioxidants in pregnant adolescents. This study was therefore aimed at assessing maternal antioxidant micronutrient status and its impact on pregnancy outcomes in Ghanaian pregnant

Application of focused ethnography to elaborate a program impact pathway: an example from a micronutrient powder project in Ethiopia

Objectives The objective of this study was to identify infant and young child (IYC) feeding practices that could modify (positively or negatively) adherence to micronutrient powder (MNP) recommendations in Ethiopia. Methods A Focused Ethnographic Study (FES) was used to explore IYC feeding practices before implementation of the project. The FES was conducted in two phases,

Applying positive deviance for making adolescent anemia control programme relevant to tribal communities: The experience from Khunti district, India

Objectives Positive Deviance (PD) approach has been applied to tackling major thematic problems, except adolescent anemia. PD was used to improve compliance to adolescent anemia control programme in Jharkhand State, India, where anemia prevalence in adolescent girls is 70%, and programme compliance is low, despite robust delivery system and political will. Methods With leadership of

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