Jennings, Shona 

Author Profile and Abstracts

Abstracts Authored

or participated in

Addressing a gap in prenatal and postnatal multiple-micronutrient supplement coverage for low-income pregnant and lactating women in the United States

Objectives Multi-micronutrient supplementation of pregnant women improves maternal health and birth outcomes– especially among women in food-insecure households. In the United States, many low-income pregnant women qualify for a social healthcare program that typically provides prescriptions for free dietary supplements. Despite these efforts, many low-income pregnant women face barriers to participation. Vitamin Angels’ objective is

Addressing micronutrient deficiency with Policy Advocacy

Objectives The objectives of the paper are :To highlight the environmental barriers on the way to promotion of food fortificationTo elaborate on the mechanisms followed for policy advocacy with public and private systemTo share the failure and success stories of policy advocacy Methods This is a descriptive paper which elaborates on the journey based on

Adequacy of major minerals and trace elements in human breast milk is associated with Guatemalan infant anthropometric indices within the first 6 months of life

Objectives Milk mineral and trace element concentrations from Mam-Mayan mothers were measured and used to assess breastfed infant’s daily intake of minerals and trace elements and their association with infant WAZ, LAZ and HCAZ at 3 stages of lactation. Methods In a cross-sectional study, transitional (5-17d, n=56), early (18-46d, n=75) and established (4-6mo, n=103) milk

Adiposity and diet in women in the second to third trimester of pregnancy

Objectives The objective of the present cross-sectional analytical study was to assess the association between adiposity and diet in 126 apparently healthy pregnant women (between 15 and 33 gestation weeks) who underwent an ultrasound for routine obstetric care at the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Unit of the Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Dr. Juan I. Menchaca between July

Adiposity indicators. Inflammation and anemia in women of childbearing age

Objectives Iron deficiency (ID) is the main cause of anemia and the cause are low iron dietary intake; but infections and inflammation from various causes are invoked. The objective is to evaluate the association between anthropometric nutritional status and anemia in women of childbearing age. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted among 391 Havana Cuban

Affordable Nutritious Foods for Women (ANF4W) Project: improving micronutrient intake through an integrated communications strategy, enhanced homestead food production, and rice fortification

Objectives In partnership with GIZ, HKI is piloting a project in Bangladesh to promote nutrition-sensitive agricultural practices, optimize the use of micronutrient-enhanced agricultural inputs, and disseminate information to increase gender-sensitive nutrition-related awareness with the overall goal to improve dietary diversity and micronutrient intake, with specific emphasis on women. Methods Baseline to midline surveys, including a

Agronomic biofortification of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) with zinc: potential avenue for ameliorating micronutrient malnutrition among rural households

Objectives To determine the potential of locally available organic nutrient resources and zinc (Zn) on i) productivity and ii) grain nutritional quality of cowpea grown on a smallholder farm in Zimbabwe. Methods Cowpea is an integral grain legume in smallholder cropping systems and diets and is often regarded to as a women crop. An on-farm

Aligning global partners for food fortification: results of the #FutureFortified Global Summit and outputs of its technical advisory group

Objectives To collectively design and deliver the first fortification summit and agree between partners on priorities to improve delivery of fortification in LMIC. Background: Implementation of food fortification with essential vitamins and minerals — and alignment between agencies in its delivery — is suboptimal in many low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). In order to align

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