Mucumbitsi, Alexis 

Author Profile and Abstracts

Abstracts Authored

or participated in

An exploratory factor analysis of micronutrient among elderly

Objectives OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to analyze the dietary patterns based on micronutrient intake among an elderly population. Methods METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study among elderly who lives São Caetano do Sul – São Paulo, Brazil. Data from 295 elderly, aged 60 to 93 years old, were analyzed. Micronutrient intake was obtained from 24

An integrated agriculture, nutrition and health project promoting orange flesh sweet potato improved infant vitamin A consumption but not vitamin A status in Western Kenya

Objectives Orange flesh sweet potato, a biofortified crop rich in vitamin A and energy, improves the nutrition and health outcomes of young children. However, the impacts on young infants when consumed by mothers during pregnancy and lactation and by infants in the early months of complementary feeding are less clear. Methods The Mama SASHA project

Analyzing family and health survey data of India regarding nutritional indicators

Objectives To study the nutritional status data indicators available in the NFHS surveys in IndiaTo analyze the emerging trends and corelations between nutritional indicators and socio economic and geographical factors Methods Analysis of the NFHS 1,2,3 data and the limited data as yet available from NFHS 4 Results Although nutritional status of adults of both

Anemia and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care services in public health centers of Kembata Tembaro Zone, southern Ethiopia

Objectives To assess the prevalence of anemia and factors associated with anemia among pregnant women attending antenatal care service in public health centers of Kembata Tembaro zone, Southern Ethiopia.Specific Objectives. To determine the prevalence of anemia among pregnant mothers in the study area from August to September 2014.2. To identify the factors associated with anemia

Anemia and iron deficiency among adolescent Sudanese school girls

Objectives the study was done to assess the prevalence of iron deficiency (ID) and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) among secondary school adolescent Sudanese girls. The effect of Socio-demographic factors in their iron status was also studied. Methods 446 adolescent girls (13-18y) from 10 secondary schools in Bahry locality in Khartoum province were included in random

Anemia and tuberculosis among patients in rural South India

Objectives Our objective was to assess the prevalence of and association between anemia, including hypochromic microcytic anemia, and active tuberculosis (TB) in a rural community in South India. Methods Study participants (n=372) were enrolled at a former TB sanatorium in South India. Active TB was assessed by acid-fast bacilli sputum smear microscopy. An automated hematology

Anemia control programs and nutritional issues of adolescent girls in rural Gujarat

Objectives In spite of several anemia control programs in India; the status of anemia among adolescents has remained constant over past 25 years. The present study therefore aimed to study the situational analysis of anemia control program and nutritional issues among adolescent girls. Methods A cross sectional study, wherein data were elicited on the nutritional

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