Tan, Long 

Author Profile and Abstracts

Abstracts Authored

or participated in

A nutrition education intervention affects the diet-health related practices and nutritional status of mothers and children in a pulse-growing community in Halaba, south Ethiopia

Objectives A six-month nutrition education intervention on pulse and other food consumption was conducted in mothers of children under-5 in the pulse-growing region of Halaba, south Ethiopia. The intervention incorporated the health belief model, on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP), and objective measures included dietary diversity scores (DDS), dietary intakes and nutritional status. Methods Between

A randomized trial of iron- and zinc-biofortified pearl millet: effects on zinc concentrations and anthropometry in school children in India

Objectives In previous work, we observed that iron- and zinc-biofortified pearl millet (FeZn-PM; _30 ppm zinc) improves iron status compared with control pearl millet (Control-PM; _30 ppm zinc) improves iron status compared with control pearl millet (Control-PM; _22 ppm zinc) in a randomized trial in school-aged children in Maharashtra, India. This analysis was conducted to

A review of the biomarkers of nutrition for development document for vitamin A

Objectives Objective: The Biomarkers of Nutrition for Development (BOND) project was designed to provide evidence-based information to anyone interested in the role of nutrition in health. The BOND program provides state-of-the-art information with regard to selection, use, and interpretation of biomarkers of nutrient exposure, status, function, and effect for a variety of nutrients. Methods Methods:

A smartphone-based point-of-care ferritin biosensor for assessment of iron deficiency

Objectives Iron deficiency disproportionately affects women of reproductive age worldwide; however, our ability to diagnose it relies on just hemoglobin measurements for a vast majority of the population. Our objective is to develop a point-of-care low cost test to enable quantitative detection of ferritin in finger-prick blood samples in 15 minutes or less. Methods The

Acceptance and adoption of biofortified crops by vulnerable populations

Objectives Biofortification of staple crops is a promising strategy for increasing the nutrient density of diets in order to improve health. Successfulness depends on the willingness of consumers and farmers to accept the newly bred crop varieties.In this systematic review, we aim to summarize the evidence for acceptance and adoption of biofortified crops by vulnerable

Accuracy in quantification of vitamin A levels in coconut cooking oil using a portable device: agreement, sensitivity and specificity

Objectives To assess the reliability of iCheck Chroma to estimate retinyl palmitate and classify coconut oil as adequately fortified. Methods The test device (iCheck Chroma ; Bioanalyt Gmbh) which rapidly quantifies retinyl palmitate was tested against high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Recovery, linearity and precision were measured at five target concentrations (5 to 25 mg Retinol

Adapting and testing the Nurturing Connections© approach to improve behaviour change interventions to promote optimal intra-household nutrition practices

Objectives In Bangladesh, gender equity is essential for improving nutrition outcomes. Inequitable intra-household food distribution and demands on women’s time constrain their ability to adopt optimal nutrition practices and contribute to household food security. Helen Keller International (HKI) adapted its Nurturing Connections© (NC) curriculum, which challenges existing gender norms, with the aim of addressing gender

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