Conference 2016 Abstracts Search

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Statistical considerations of the analysis and presentation of urinary iodine concentrations in population-based surveys
Daily consumption of zinc fortified water increases daily zinc intake and improves overall morbidity from common childhood infections in rural Kenyan children: a randomized, controlled effectiveness trial
Public and private sector dynamics in scaling up rice fortification: the Colombian experience and its lessons
Nutrition interventions for pregnant adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis
The journey toward the first every Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey in India: creating an enabling environment
Combined consumption of a single high-dose vitamin A supplement and provision of vitamin A fortified oil to households maintains adequate milk retinol concentrations for 6 months in lactating Moroccan women
Provision of micronutrient fortified foods alongside nutrition education enhances achievement of dietary diversity in children under 2 years
Breast milk Retinol Reflects Liver Reserves and Dietary Exposure in Thai Lactating Women
Fortification with multiple micronutrients might result in opposing health effects
Prenatal and postnatal supplementation with lipid-based nutrient supplements reduced anemia and iron deficiency in young Bangladeshi children
Fostering CHANGE: Using Monitoring to Iteratively Improve Project Implementation
Exploring reasons for different growth responses to small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements and zinc supplements among young children in two studies in neighboring districts of Burkina Faso
The effect of daily zinc and/or multivitamin supplementation on early childhood development in Tanzania: results from a randomized controlled trial
Thiamin-fortified fish sauce: a novel means of increasing erythrocyte and breast milk thiamin concentrations among rural Cambodian women and their infants
Evaluation of iron and zinc bioavailability from fortified rice using coating, hot and cold extrusion: human stable isotope studies