We are pleased to share the live week program for the CONNECTED Conference (as of September 21, 2020) . This week is complemented by our comprehensive and exciting on demand sessions. Times shown as ICT (e.g., Thailand), CET/CAT (e.g, Netherlands, Malawi),  EST (e.g., USA East Coast, Canada QC/ON). Look for one or two additional sessions coming soon!.

November 9
Time: ICT Time: CET Time: EST Duration Session Speaker
21:00 15:00 19:00 2 hr CONNECTED Live Opening Session: How to meet global micronutrient needs within sustainable food systems ​ To come
23:15 17:15 11:15 90 min Global State of Micronutrients: Estimates, Uncertainties and Addressing Data Gaps (Track 1) To come
1:00 (Nov 10) 19:00 13:00 90 min Addressing the crisis of COVID- 19 on malnutrition (All tracks) To Come
2:15 (Nov 10) 20:15 14:15 90 min Existential Evidence: Quality of Evidence for Nutrition Policies: mine is better than yours (Track 2) To Come
November 10
Time: ICT Time: CET Time: EST Duration Session Speaker
17:00 11:00 5:00 90 min Addressing malnutrition in all its forms in Southeast Asia: Actions guided by data, inspired by community (Regional) To come
22:00 16:00 10:00 90 min How to keep micronutrients as a priority with shifting global, national and donor priorities (Track 4) To come
23:45 17:45 11:45 90 min Effects of climate change and humanitarian emergencies on nutrition and health (Food Systems) To Come
1:30 (Nov 11) 19:30 13:30 90 min Exploring the intersection of climate/environmental change, food systems, nutrition, and health (Food Systems) To Come
November 11
Time: ICT Time: CET Time: EST Duration Session Speaker
18:00 12:00 6:00 90 min Hot Topics: Parenteral iron in pregnancy as a public health intervention. Do the benefits outweigh the risks? (Track 2) To come
21:00 15:00 9:00 60 min Drivers of Stunting Reduction: A Case Study Framework and Recommendations for Action To Come
22:00 16:00 10:00 90 min Advances in Large-scale Fortification (Track 3) To come
23:45 17:45 11:45 90 min Innovations and Updates in Micronutrient Assessment (Track 1) To Come
1:30 (Nov 12) 19:30 13:30 90 min Transforming the food system for nutrition while progressing on the unfinished agenda of nutrition specific actions (Food Systems) To Come
3:15 (Nov 12) 21:15 15:15 90 min Harmonization of recommended nutrient intakes (Track 2) To Come
November 12
Time: ICT Time: CET Time: EST Duration Session Speaker
17:00 11:00 5:00 90 min Reducing the Global Burden of Anemia: What's the Role of Nutrition? (Track 1-2) To come
20:30 14:30 8:30 90 min Integrated infant and young child feeding (IYCF) and micronutrient powder programs - Challenges, lessons learned and opportunities (Track 3) To Come
22:00 16:00 10:00 90 min Cost Analysis is Essential before Considering Scaling-Up Micronutrient Interventions (Track 3) To come
23:45 17:45 11:45 90 min Supporting country-led policy decisions to implement multiple micronutrient supplementation during antenatal care (Track 4) To Come
1:30 (Nov 13) 19:30 13:30 90 min Hot Trials (Track 2) To Come
November 13
Time: ICT Time: CET Time: EST Duration Session Speaker
21:00 15:00 9:00 90 min Look up, don't look down: how to redesign the future for nutrition post-COVID-19 To come
22:45 16:45 10:45 90 min Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies: The MMS Goalkeepers Accelerator To Come
1:00 (Nov 14) 19:00 13:00 90 min Strengthened food systems and food environments for children (Food Systems) To come
2:45 (Nov 14) 20:45 14:45 90 min Tackling Under 5 Child Mortality: nutrition as a priority for investment (Track 4) To Come

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