In 2000 Nigeria set standards for the fortification of; refined vegetable oil, flour and sugar with vitamin A.In 2015 13%, 11% and 20% of flour, sugar and oil samples complied with the national standards respectively. The government and partners worked together to developed a position paper with the objective of accelerating the attainment of fortification goals in Nigeria.
Government agencies and partners engaged in workshops and meetings to review the status of the food fortification programme. A joint vision for collective action was developed by partners in line with the national priorities. This was translated into a national position paper for Nigeria.
The position paper will guide stakeholders to work collectively in food fortification in Nigeria. The document underscores advocacy and the creation of an enabling environment key to improving the fortification programs. It highlights the need to operationalize effective quality assurance and quality control systems to systematically monitor activities against the standard. Efforts to increase the use of adequately iodised salt in Northern Nigeria and the scale up of the micronutrient powder programme are also called for. The food industry need to be engaged within all stages of the processes to ensure joint ownership and responsibility for the programme.
The position paper forms the basis for the engagement and collective action for the realisation of fortification goals in Nigeria and will also ensure better clarity and alignment of the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders.