Conferences: Cancun 2016

Opening Keynote: Better nutrition - translating commitments into results and impacts

The 4th Micronutrient Forum Global Conference took place between 23-28th October, 2016 in Cancun Mexico

The Forum welcomed 762 delegates from 78 countries, representing over 330 institutions. Over 6 days they participated in 45 sessions, 27 sponsored symposia and 5 learning centres. 241 speakers presented, with 59 moderators. Over 620 poster presentations took place.

While maintaining the broad interest in all aspects of micronutrients, the guiding theme for the conference focused on women and girls: Positioning Women’s Nutrition at the Centre of Sustainable Development.

Women, often the gatekeepers of food choice and preparation in the home, are a focus for many nutrition interventions, and key partners in the delivery of programs – for children, families and communities. The health and well-being of women and girls are, consequently, critical to achieving several of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The 2016 Conference marked the Forum’s first visit to Latin America. Mexico was the chosen location in recognition of its achievements in addressing micronutrient deficiencies at the population level, and because of its commitment to the design and implementation of evidence-based public policies and programs – programs such as PROSPERA and Liconsa. Mexico, like many countries, continues to strive to eliminate micronutrient malnutrition, while simultaneously addressing the growing challenge of obesity and related non-communicable diseases.

Participants in the conference came from research, program delivery, policy, advocacy, business and philanthropy. It was tremendously gratifying for the organizers that so many travelled long distances to share their insights, knowledge and experience in the battle against micronutrient malnutrition.

Global Conference 2016 Program Committee

Maria Elena Jefferds, Behavioral Scientist, International Micronutrient Malnutrition Prevention and Control (IMMPaCt) Program. Nutrition Branch, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)(Program Committee Chair)

Seth Adu-Afarwuah, Project Manager, The iLiNS Project, University of Ghana

Lindsay Allen, Director, UDSA, Agricultural Research Service, Western Human Nutrition Research Center

Mandana Arabi, Senior Manager, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition

Annabelle Bonvecchio, Community Nutrition, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, Mexico

Kenneth H. Brown, Senior Fellow, Nutrition | Global Development, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Ana Pérez Expósito, Social Protection and Health Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank

Huo Junsheng, Director, Department of Food and Science Technology, Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, China, CDC

Rolf Klemm, Vice-President, Nutrition, Hellen Keller International

Klaus Kraemer, Director, Sight and Life

Jackie Kung’u, Regional Advisor, Research and Evaluation, Micronutrient Initiative

Bonnie McClafferty, Director, Agriculture and Nutrition, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition

Purmina Menon, Senior Research Fellow, Poverty, Health and Nutrition Division, International Food Policy Research Institute

Sant-Rayn Pasricha, MRC Human Immunology Unit, University of Oxford Sant-

Parminder Suchdev, Pediatrician, Department of Pediatrics, Emory University

Global Conference 2016 Local Organizing Committee(LOC)

Juan Angel Rivera Dommarco, Director, Centro de Investigación en Nutrición y Salud, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, Mexico (Presidente del COL)

José Alberto García Aranda. Director del Hospital Infantil de México

Anabelle Bonvecchio (Vicepresidenta del COL) Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública

Hector Bourges. Director de evaluación, Instituto Nacional de ciencias médicas y nutrición Salvador Zubirán (INCMNSZ)

Victoria E. Ramos Barragán. Presidenta del Colegio Mexicano de Nutriólogos (CMN)

Tere González de Cossío. Directora del Departamento de Salud. Universidad Iberoamericana

Armando Garcia. Coordinador Maestrias en Nutricion, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública

Rafael Díaz García. Director de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud, Unidad Xochimilco, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), Xochimilco

Edgar Vázquez Garibay. Director del Instituto de Nutrición Humana. Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG)

Jannelly Gómez. Presidenta, Asociacion Mexicana de Miembros de Facultades y Escuelas de Nutricion (AMMFEN)

Timoteo Camiro Hdez, Jefe del depto de desarrollo de proveedores y estadísticas, Liconsa

Teresa Murguía. Subdirectora de Investigación e Intervenciones comunitarias. Instituto Nacional de Perinatología

Paula Hernández Olmos. Directora. PROSPERA

Roberto Paulo Orozco. Asociación Jalisciense de Nutrición. ITESO

Sophia Eugenia Martínez Vázquez. Presidenta de la Asociación Mexicana de Nutriología AC (AMENAC)

Luz Elena Pale Montero. Directora, Escuela de Dietética y nutricición – ISSSTE

Erika Ochoa. Director del Dpto de Nutrición y bienestar integral, Tecnologico de Monterrey, campus Cd Mexico (ITESM)

Camilla Passarella. Business Development Manager, DSM Nutritional Products

Ana María Pineda. Subdirector de aseguramiento de la calidad, Liconsa

Juan Carlos Pineda. Gerente técnico commercial, DSM Nutritional Products

Teresa Shamah. Directora  de Vigilancia de la Nutrición, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública

Ignez Tristao. División de protección social y salud, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID)

Alejandría Villa. Director de área. PROSPERA. Comisión Nacional de Protección Social en Salud (SSA)

Daniel Aceves Villagrán. Director. PROSPERA. Comisión Nacional de Protección Social en Salud (SSA)

Salvador Villalpando. Investigador, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública

Hugo Zertuche. Director de evaluación. PROSPERA

Global Conference 2016 Sponsors

The Micronutrient Forum would like to gratefully acknowledge the generosity of the following organizations:

The Micronutrient Forum would like to thank the Government of Mexico for its generous assistance, especially: Programa de Inclusión Social – PROSPERA; Secretaria de Desarrollo Social (SEDESSOL); Secretaria de Salud (SSA); Gobierno de Quintana Roo.

To read the conference report, click here.

Global Conference 2016: Abstracts

A searchable platform providing access to all the abstracts presented orally or by poster can be found by clicking here.

Conference Photo Gallery

To view photographs of the event, click here.

Session Videos

Plenary: Bridging discovery and delivery. Future directions for the Micronutrient Forum – Part 1

Plenary: Bridging discovery and delivery. Future directions for the Micronutrient Forum – Part 2

Moderated by MN Forum International Steering Committee Chair Lynnette Neufeld, an expert panel reflects on the Cancun conference and offers insights and recommendations for the future of the Micronutrient Forum.


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