5th Global Conference: CONNECTED

Micronutrient Forum 5th Global Conference 2020: CONNECTED
“Building New Evidence and Alliances for Improving Nutrition”
The COVID-19 global pandemic has meant a physical conference in Bangkok is no longer possible. We are announcing that the 5th Global Conference will now be virtual and CONNECTED.
CONNECTED means both the digital nature of the event and the chance to collaborate and connect on the conference digital platform. We plan to make this one of the best virtual events with the same strong programming, engaged attendees and interactive opportunities.
- A combination of live and on-demand sessions
- Live, virtual opening ceremony on November 9, 2020
- Conference programming delivered over a longer period of time
- Opportunities for virtual interaction among delegates, sponsors and speakers
- Live Q&As with speakers
- Facilitated discussions
- Strong regional Asian programming that honours the work that our Local Organizing Committee prepared when the conference was planned for Bangkok
Micronutrients are at the heart of the potential of food systems to deliver optimal health. Food systems are at the heart of determining what people eat. The Micronutrient Forum 5th Global Conference will cover the broad spectrum of micronutrients – research, efficacy and safety, implementation and the policy and enabling environment. In addition, the conference will take a deep dive into how micronutrients might be optimized and protected within food systems.The Micronutrient Forum is striving to ensure greater participation from the agriculture, manufacturing, processing and distribution, retail and culinary sectors, to widen the conversation and drive multi-sectoral innovation towards sustainable solutions. The Micronutrient Forum 5th Conference provides the opportunity for sharing new micronutrient research with a diverse audience across four focused tracks.
Track One: Micronutrient Biology and Status Assessment
Objective: The biology of micronutrient nutrition and status assessment.
- Benchmarks, methods and metrics for improving the food systems and micronutrient delivery.
- Absorption, metabolism and interaction of micronutrients.
- Micronutrients and the double burden of noncommunicable diseases.
- Effects of genetics, infection/inflammation, and other environmental exposures, on micronutrient deficiencies.
- Innovations and updates in assessment of micronutrient status: epidemiology and global prevalence of the micronutrient deficiencies.
- Innovative technologies for micronutrient delivery.
Track Two: Efficacy and Safety of Micronutrient Interventions
Objective: The efficacy and safety of micronutrient interventions on micronutrient intake, status and related functional outcomes.
- Efficacy and effectiveness of food system value chain interventions.
- The implications of climate change on micronutrient status.
- Agricultural interventions and micronutrient status/intakes.
- Multiple micronutrient powdersand reduction of anemia prevalence.
- Effectiveness of food fortification.
- Impact of interventions on micronutrient status and functional outcomes.
- Dosage, duration and frequency of additional micronutrient delivery throughout the lifecycle.
- Safety considerations of implementing concurrent micronutrient interventions.
Track Three: Program Effectiveness
Objective: Bridging the gap between evidence and implementation to optimize the scale-up of micronutrient interventions.
- Dietary patterns, nutrient intakes, and food safety.
- Advances in large scale food fortification.
- Filling gaps in micronutrient data: Use of modeling tools and dietary data for program decisions.
- Frameworks and tools for successful program design and implementation.
- Experiences from implementation science.
- Innovative program or delivery models, including multi-sectoral interventions.
- Monitoring, surveillance, and evaluation for program improvement.
- Experiences and lessons learned from country programs.
Track Four: Designing Enabling Environments for Micronutrients
Objective: Engaging new actors and building new alliances, and expanding the field of view to include global, regional and national policy considerations, financing, innovative partnerships, climate change, communications, social marketing and advocacy.
- Value propositions across the value chain.
- Market shaping for micronutrients.
- Solutions to engagement with the private sector to invest and support high quality foods.
- Rethinking the investment case.
- Multisectoral engagement to make food systems deliver on nutrition.
- Cost-effectiveness of delivering micronutrient interventions at scale.
- Effective and responsible policies, programs and business models.
- Creating and sustaining effective leadership, communication, capacity development and advocacy.

CONNECTED Proceedings
Micronutrient Forum Leadership Conference Committee
Klaus Kraemer (Chair)
Sight and Life
Lindsay Allen
United States of America Department of Agriculture
Kenneth H. Brown
Department of Nutrition,
University of California, Davis
Maria Elena Jefferds
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Roland Kupka
Daniel Raiten
U.S. National Institutes of Health
Emorn Udomkesmalee
Mahidol University, Thailand
Global Conference 2020 Program Committee
Maria Elena Jefferds
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Global Conference Committee members
Lindsay Allen
United States of America Department of Agriculture
Kenneth H. Brown
Department of Nutrition,
University of California, Davis
Klaus Kraemer
Sight and Life
Lynnette Neufeld
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
Emorn Udomkesmalee
Mahidol University
Dan Raiten
National Institutes of Health
Saskia Osendarp
Micronutrient Forum
Erick Boy
Harvest Plus
Rebecca Heidkamp
Johns Hopkins University
Sant-Rayn Pasricha
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Dan Roth
University of Toronto
Parmi Suchdev
Emory University
Anabelle Bonvecchio
Patrizia Fracassi
Scaling Up Nutrition
Deanna Olney
Ismail Çakmak
Sabanci University
Rolf Klemm
Helen Keller International
Jackie Kung’u
Nutrition International
Ziauddin Hyder
World Bank
Nita Dalmiya
Lisa Rogers
World Health Organization
Jesse Gregory
University of Florida
Sophie Moore
Kings College London
Nancy Aburto
UN Food and Agriculture Organization
Denish Moorthy
USAID Advancing Nutrition
Saskia de Pee
World Food Programme
Global Conference 2020 Local Organizing Committee
Emorn Udomkesmalee
Mahidol University
Committee Members
Howarth Bouis
International Food Policy Research Institute
Washington, DC, USA
Rina Agustina
Head of Human Nutrition Research Center (HNRC)
Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI)
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia
Technical Experts
Pattanee Winichagoon
Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University
Ladda Mosuwan
Local Co-Host
Nutrition Association of Thailand (NAT)
Tippawan Pongcharoen
Assistant Secretary General
Institute of Nutrition
Mahidol University
Somsri Charoenkiatkul
Nutrition Association of Thailand (NAT)
Anadi Nitithamyong
Local Co-host
Food Science and Technology Association of Thailand (FoSTAT)
Nipa Rojroongwasinkul
Secretary General
Institute of Nutrition
Mahidol University
Thananyapond Arayanimitsakul
Assistant Secretary General