Micronutrient Data
Group Meetings
Photo: ©Holland Park Media/MNF
About the Meetings
Established in 2022, the Micronutrient Data Group, coordinated by DInA, convenes representatives from diverse organizations in quarterly meetings. These meetings provide a platform for socializing ongoing work and for knowledge mobilization and exchange among relevant stakeholders. Each session attracts around 50 participants from around the world.
The meetings have several purposes, including:
- Providing a broad view of the micronutrient data ecosystem.
- Developing a common narrative, especially for in-country work.
- Networking with professionals from various regions and organizations to foster collaboration on shared goals.
- Showcasing work to a global audience of micronutrient data experts.
- Leveraging the collective expertise of the micronutrient community to gain valuable insights and constructive feedback from peers and micronutrient data leaders.
- Discussing unmet needs and areas where DInA can facilitate progress.
- Working together to create demand for micronutrient data.
Who can attend?
The meetings are open to anyone working with micronutrient data, and participation from regional and national levels is encouraged to foster greater collaboration between global and national efforts.
To learn more about the meetings or to find out how you can attend, please contact us at DInA@micronutrientforum.org
Upcoming Meeting
December 2024*
Exact date and time TBD
Coming soon…
*Please check back regularly for updates on date, time, and agenda for upcoming meetings.
Photo: ©Holland Park Media/MNF
Explore Past Meetings
- Topic: Rapid Zinc Spot Test for Cereal Grains
Speaker: Becky Tsang (USAID AFFORD) - Topic: Introducing a Primer on Public Law and Regulation for Non-Lawyers Working in Food, Health, and Nutrition
Speaker: Aishani Gupta (Consultant, BMGF) - Topic: Investment Case(s) for Micronutrient Data and Evidence
Speaker: Stephen A. Vosti (UC Davis) - Topic: Potential Impact of Improving and Expanding Large-Scale Food Fortification Programs in Countries Where Zinc Deficiency is a Public Health Problem
Speaker: K. Ryan Wessells (UC Davis)
- Topic: Micro LeNNS Technical Working Group introduction
Speaker: Zipporah Bukania (KEMRI) - Topic: FAOSTAT Food and Diet Domain
Speaker: Bridget Holmes (FAO) - Topic: Modelling & Mapping Inadequate Micronutrient Intake (MIMI): Project Overview
Speakers: Frances Knight (WFP) and Kevin Tang (LSHTM/WFP) - Nigeria Food Composition and Micronutrient Survey (NFCMS)
Speaker: Ladidi Bako-Aiyegbusi, Director & Head, Nutrition Department, Federal Ministry of Health
and Social Welfare, Abuja
Read the full meeting notes here.
- Topic: DInA update
Speaker: Megan Bourassa (Micronutrient Forum) - Topic: LeNNS Introduction
Speaker: Shadrack Oiye (IGAD) - Topic: Micronutrient Supplementation to Fight “Hidden Hunger”: Guatemala’s National Micronutrient Supplementation Program
Speakers: Tatiana Gil (NIPN consultant) and Gabriela Ogaldes (CATIE nutritionist) - Topic: MINIMOD project update
Speaker: Steve Vosti (UC Davis)
- Topic: Fraym Nigeria Dashboard Draft
Speaker: Sean Walsh (Fraym) - Topic: Promotion of Nutrient-Rich Crops and the Regional Value Chain: Enhancing Micronutrient Status for Vulnerable Populations
Speakers: Genye Tirsit and Zerfu Tadesse (IFPRI – Addis Ababa; NIPN team) - Topic: USAID Advancing Nutrition update
- Methods to Assess Diets, Markets, and Diet Cost for Large-Scale Food Fortification (LSFF) Needs Assessment and Design
Speaker: Monica Woldt (USAID Advancing Nutrition) - What is USAID AFFORD?
Speaker: Gwyneth Cotes (USAID AFFORD) - LSFF Market Assessment Next Steps
Speaker: Svenja Jungjohann (GAIN)
- Methods to Assess Diets, Markets, and Diet Cost for Large-Scale Food Fortification (LSFF) Needs Assessment and Design
The full session was dedicated to updates from DInA on:
- Micronutrient Data Landscape
- Micronutrient Data Guide
- Investment Case for Micronutrient Data
- Small Grants Program
- Data sessions at the Micronutrient Forum 6th Global Conference
Read the full meeting notes here.
- Topic: DInA update
Speaker: Megan Bourassa (Micronutrient Forum) - Topic: DataDENT 2.0
Speaker: Rebecca Heidkamp (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health) - Topic: Global Dietary Quality Score and Intake4Earth App
Speaker: Megan Deitchler (Intake – FHI 360) - Topic: MIMI project update
Speaker: Frances Knight (World Food Programme) - Topic: LiST- MINIMOD Results from Nigeria
Speaker: Steve Vosti (UC Davis)
Read the full meeting notes here.
- Topic: DInA Updates
Speaker: Megan Bourassa (Micronutrient Forum) - MINIMOD updates
Speaker: Megan Bourassa (for MINIMOD team) - Topic: Micronutrient Survey Analyzer Tool
Speaker: Lisa Rogers (World Health Organization) - Topic: Using Digital Technologies in Food Fortification for Improved Nutrition Outcomes
Speaker: Mandana Arabi (Nutrition International) - Topic: Subnational Mapping of LSFF Reach and Consumption Using a Proxy Model
Speaker: Melissa Persaud (Fraym) - Topic: BRINDA update
Speaker: Melissa Young (Emory University) - Topic: CHAMPS update
Speaker: Hanqi Luo (Emory University) - Topic: Mapping and Modelling Inadequate Micronutrient Intake (MIMI) project
Speaker: Frances Knight (World Food Programme)
Read the full meeting notes here.