The Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Consortium (HMHB) drives collective action as an advocate, knowledge broker, and convener to improve maternal health through evidence-based interventions, particularly Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation (MMS) in low and middle-income countries. To find out more, visit the HMHB page.
Powering women’s nutrition for promising futures.
The Micronutrient Data Innovation Alliance (DInA) convenes diverse national, regional, and global stakeholders to improve the availability, quality, accessibility, and use of micronutrient-related data to support national-level decision-makers. To find out more, visit the DInA page.
Micronutrient data for decisions that nourish.
The Standing Together for Nutrition Consortium (ST4N) s a multidisciplinary consortium of experts in nutrition, climate change, food and health systems, gender, and economics examining the scale and reach of climate crises and their adverse impact on nutrition for millions of vulnerable women and children. To find out more, visit the ST4N page
Fighting for global nutrition in an era of climate crises.
Drive Advocacy

The Micronutrient Forum builds consesus among policy makers and donors to prioritize resources and actions towards reducing micronutrient malnutrition across the globe, particularly among the most vulnerable sections of society.

We organize events and conferences to bring together global experts on key topics related to micronutrient malnutrition to synthesize existing knowledge into actionable insight and facilitate the exchange of information across multiple sectors.
The Micronutrient Forum's 2021 Annual Report
Driving Partnerships, Driving Evidence, Driving Actions.