Acceptance and adoption of biofortified crops by vulnerable populations

Abstract Number Theme Presentation Type Cover Approved
0269 Other micronutrient-related interventions (e.g. agriculture, biofortification, education, social protection) Poster Not Approved


Abstract Content


Biofortification of staple crops is a promising strategy for increasing the nutrient density of diets in order to improve health. Successfulness depends on the willingness of consumers and farmers to accept the newly bred crop varieties.In this systematic review, we aim to summarize the evidence for acceptance and adoption of biofortified crops by vulnerable populations.


We used the electronic databases of Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science for the systematic review, as well as a consultation of key experts to obtain any available other literature. The combined search yielded a total of 1669 papers. Applying exclusion criteria resulted in a final selection of 71 papers.


Most studies were found on sensory acceptability (n=40), followed by consumer adoption (n=26) and lastly by determinants of acceptance (n=20). Sweet potato and maize are crops most studied, with rice and pearl-millet least investigated. Overall sensory acceptance was good, and availability and information on health benefits are the most important determinants of acceptance and adoption.


Sensory acceptability is not an obstacle for acceptance, even when crops are yellow or orange. Future studies should look at acceptance of biofortified crops beyond hypothetical situations after the dissemination and the wide scale introduction of biofortified crops.

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