Aligning global partners for food fortification: results of the #FutureFortified Global Summit and outputs of its technical advisory group

Abstract Number Theme Presentation Type Cover Approved
0259 Stakeholder mapping and engagement for micronutrient interventions Poster Not Approved


Abstract Content


To collectively design and deliver the first fortification summit and agree between partners on priorities to improve delivery of fortification in LMIC. Background: Implementation of food fortification with essential vitamins and minerals — and alignment between agencies in its delivery — is suboptimal in many low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). In order to align around a common understanding of priorities for fortification, the Government of Tanzania and GAIN hosted the September 2015 #FutureFortified Global Summit in Arusha, Tanzania.


Following a mapping of fortification stakeholders, a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) was established comprising 21 intergovernmental, governmental, non-governmental, UN and donor organizations. The TAG met twice monthly from April 2015 through February 2016 to agree the scope and agenda of the Summit. Following this, three TAG thematic working groups elaborated on recommendations arising from the event.


The first-ever Global Summit on Food Fortification was attended by 450 delegates from 57 countries. The event culminated in the Arusha Statement on Food Fortification outlining five recommendations for fortification in LMIC: 1) increase investments, 2) improve regulatory monitoring, 3) expand advocacy efforts, 4) improve the evidence base; and 5) increase transparent reporting. The TAG published a report elaborating on these recommendations to support alignment on priorities in fortification.


The inclusive approach among diverse actors resulted in better alignment on food fortification priorities in LMIC. The success of these efforts led to the continuing work of the TAG to support dissemination of priorities arising from the Summit, with the ultimate expected outcome of improved program delivery.

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