Anemia control programs and nutritional issues of adolescent girls in rural Gujarat

Abstract Number Theme Presentation Type Cover Approved
0356 Communication and advocacy for micronutrient policies and programs Poster Not Approved


Abstract Content


In spite of several anemia control programs in India; the status of anemia among adolescents has remained constant over past 25 years. The present study therefore aimed to study the situational analysis of anemia control program and nutritional issues among adolescent girls.


A cross sectional study, wherein data were elicited on the nutritional status and health care services provided to 80 adolescents from two clusters of rural Vadodara, Gujarat district, Western India.


Overall, 40% girls (mean age 16.70y) had attended 10 years of school, and involved in household activities, mean Hb was 11.25g/dl and 37% were anemic (Hb < 12g/dl), of which 8% were severely anemic (Hb<7/dl). Over 81.25% girls were not receiving any kind IFA supplements from the running Govt programs (WIFS, Mamta Taruni Abhiyan) only 5% of subjects got services from ASHA health workers, 36.3% suffered from irregular menstruation and 75% had vaginal infections (white discharge). Anthropometric data revealed 30% underweight as per BMI-for-age. Dietary intakes revealed that 100% of them consumed vegetarian diet among them only 12%(average) consumed iron and vitamin-C rich GLVs once in a day and only 5% (average)consumed vitamin-C rich fruits 2-3 days/week.


The results revealed lack of monitoring & supervision in program has resulted in poor compliance of the “Mamta Taruni Abhiyan” & “WIFS”at grassroots level. Moreover, unawareness & improper dietary practices among the community people further worsen the situation.

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