Central Java is a densely populated province with about 33.77 million population, still unprotected from the risk of Iodine Deficiency Disorders. In 2012, majority of the salt products (65%) was sub-standard or inadequately iodized. MI established the monitoring for Quality Assurance (QA)-Quality Control (QC) system and support for Universal Salt Iodization (USI) enforcement for small and medium processors to improve quality of iodized salt at production and consumer level.
Considering the local characteristics and culture of salt processors in Central Java, the following system was put in place; simple and user friendly quantitative iodized salt testing device: minilabs and its chemical supplies, improved quality of iodized salt production through institutionalization of internal QC, including training for salt processor’s QC personnel, establishment of revolving iodine bank (KIO3), External QC, including training for districts’ quality controllers and support to USI enforcement by local authorities, including development of clear standard operating procedures.
The proportion of adequately iodized salt production in Central Java increased from 30% in 2011 to 75% in 2015 as per project monitoring data. The household consumption of salt with adequate iodine content estimated using rapid test kits also increased from 58.6% in 2007 to 80.1% in 2013 according to the Riskesdas survey.
The noted increase in household use of iodized salt is likely related to the increased production and thus availability of adequately iodized salt. Implementing an Improved QA-QC in combination with USI enforcement allowed us to increase production of adequately iodized salt by small and medium salt processors.