Preventive small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements reduce severe wasting and severe stunting among young children: an individual participant data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Journal: MedRXiv
Publication Date: 2022-06-17
Authors: Kathryn G. Dewey, Charles D. Arnold, K. Ryan Wessells, Elizabeth L. Prado, Souheila Abbeddou, Seth Adu-Afarwuah, Hasmot Ali, Benjamin F. Arnold, Per Ashorn, Ulla Ashorn, Sania Ashraf, Elodie Becquey, Kenneth H. Brown, Parul Christian, John M. Colford Jr, Sherlie J. L. Dulience, Lia C.H. Fernald, Emanuela Galasso, Lotta Hallamaa, Sonja Y. Hess, Jean H. Humphrey, Lieven Huybregts, Lora L. Iannotti, Kaniz Jannat, Anna Lartey, Agnes Le Port, Jef L. Leroy, Stephen P. Luby, Kenneth Maleta, Susana L. Matias, Mduduzi NN Mbuya, Malay K. Mridha, Minyanga Nkhoma, Clair Null, Rina R. Paul, Harriet Okronipa, Jean-Bosco Ouédraogo, Amy J. Pickering, Andrew J. Prendergast, Marie Ruel, Saijuddin Shaikh, Ann M. Weber, Patricia Wolff, Amanda Zongrone, Christine P. Stewart

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