Global Hidden Hunger

Today, around the world, we are facing a toxic cocktail of COVID-19, an ongoing climate crisis, and protracted conflict. Hidden hunger – or micronutrient malnutrition, already affected more than a quarter of the world’s population prior to COVID-19 at a time when hunger was on the rise. Today, hunger and malnutrition are a second pandemic. Food production, food markets, livelihoods, income generation, and access to health care have all been negatively impacted in the past two years and more and more people are unable to access and afford nutritious and healthy foods. 

Hidden hunger and other forms of malnutrition continue to be deeply sexist. Women around the world putting their children and their families above themselves, often eating last and less, and often during critical times for nutrition, such as pregnancy and lactation. Click here for more on the state of women’s nutrition.

Together, we can pivot, accelerate action, and change the story… 

A Somber Snapshot

  • Over three billion people lack all year access to nutrient rich healthy diets. This indicator leapt upwards in one year (2020) as it did in the preceding five. 
  • An estimated two billion people suffer from micro-nutrient deficiencies prior to the pandemic. This number is rapidly rising.  
  • Nearly one in three women of reproductive age suffer from anemia 
  • One in every three people is overweight or obese. 
  • Almost a quarter of all children under five are short for their age or stunted 
  • A tenth of the global population, around 811 million people, are estimated to be undernourished. 

At MNF, we want to see micronutrient interventions scaled so that everyone reaches their full health and economic potential. We advocate for high quality micronutrient data to be generated and proactively shared to guide decision makers, nutrition programs and policy. 

By leveraging simple, evidence-based solutions for micronutritional deficiency, together, we can begin to unlock millions of wasted dollars and help people thrive. 

To find out more about micronutrient interventions, visit our Solutions page.


For more on the scale of the global challenge see: 

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