Keynote and closing ceremony: José Narro Robles, Secretary of Health, Mexico
Keynote and closing ceremony. Podium: José Narro Robles (Secretary of Health, Mexico). Panel: (l-r) Rafael Flores-Ayala (CDC, Co-chair, MN Forum International Steering Committee); Lawrence Haddad (Executive Director, Global Alliance for Improved Health (GAIN); Lynnette Neufeld (Chair, MN Forum International Steering Committee); Mauricio Hernández-Avila (Director, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública (INSP), Mexico); Msp Alejandra Aguirre Crespo (Secretary of Health, State of Quintana Roo); Juan Rivera (INSP, President, Local Organizing Committee, MN Forum Global Conference 2016)
Plenary: Bridging discovery and delivery – future directions for the Micronutrient Forum. Lawrence Haddad (GAIN), Keynote Speaker
Plenary: Bridging discovery and delivery – future directions for the Micronutrient Forum
Plenary: Bridging discovery and delivery – future directions for the Micronutrient Forum: Questions from the floor
Plenary: Bridging discovery and delivery – future directions for the Micronutrient Forum: Questions from the floor
Plenary: Bridging discovery and delivery – future directions for the Micronutrient Forum: Questions from the floor
Plenary: Bridging discovery and delivery – future directions for the Micronutrient Forum: Questions from the floor
Plenary: Bridging discovery and delivery – future directions for the Micronutrient Forum: Questions from the floor
Plenary: Bridging discovery and delivery – future directions for the Micronutrient Forum: Questions from the floor
Plenary: Bridging discovery and delivery – future directions for the Micronutrient Forum
Plenary: Bridging discovery and delivery – future directions for the Micronutrient Forum: (l-r) Andrew Prentice (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine); Shawn Baker (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation); Bonnie McClafferty (Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition)
Plenary: Bridging discovery and delivery – future directions for the Micronutrient Forum
Plenary – Bridging discovery and delivery: future directions for the Micronutrient Forum. Panel (l-r): Lynnette Neufeld (Chair, MN Forum International Steering Committee); Gonzalo Hernández Licona (National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy); Andrew Prentice (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine); Shawn Baker (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation); Bonnie McClafferty (Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition); Anthony Herir (DSM); Jane Badham; Lindsay Allen (University of California, Davis)
Poster presentations
Poster presentations
Poster presentations
MN Forum tattoo
Poster presentations
Keynote and closing ceremony: (l-r) Rafael Flores-Ayala (CDC, Co-chair, MN Forum International Steering Committee); Lawrence Haddad (Executive Director, Global Alliance for Improved Health (GAIN); Lynnette Neufeld (Chair, MN Forum International Steering Committee); José Narro Robles (Secretary of Health, Mexico); Mauricio Hernández-Avila, (Director, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública (INSP), Mexico); Msp Alejandra Aguirre Crespo (Secretary of Health, State of Quintana Roo); Juan Rivera (INSP, President, Local Organizing Committee, MN Forum Global Conference 2016)
Poster presentations
Poster presentations
Plenary: Transforming the enabling environment to forge a future for micronutrients – what will it take?
Plenary: Transforming the enabling environment to forge a future for micronutrients – what will it take? Stanley Zlotkin (SickKids)
Plenary: Transforming the enabling environment to forge a future for micronutrients – what will it take? Questions from the floor
Plenary: Transforming the enabling environment to forge a future for micronutrients – what will it take? Questions from the floor: Ricardo Uauy and Gerda Verburg
Plenary: Transforming the enabling environment to forge a future for micronutrients – what will it take?
Plenary: Transforming the enabling environment to forge a future for micronutrients – what will it take?
Plenary: Transforming the enabling environment to forge a future for micronutrients – what will it take? Inge Kauer (Access to Nutrition Foundation), Joel Spicer (Micronutrient Initiative), Eileen Kennedy (Tufts University)
Exhibition booth
Poster presentations: Daniel Roth (SickKids); Uma Ramakrishnan (Emory University); Stanley Zlotkin (SickKids)
Plenary: Transforming the enabling environment to forge a future for micronutrients – what will it take? Lawrence Haddad (GAIN) and Jane Badham
Plenary: Transforming the enabling environment to forge a future for micronutrients – what will it take? Lawrence Haddad (GAIN) and Jane Badham
Poster presentations
Plenary: Transforming the enabling environment to forge a future for micronutrients – what will it take? Lawrence Haddad (GAIN)
Between sessions: side meeting
Plenary: Transforming the enabling environment to forge a future for micronutrients – what will it take?
Debate: Have micronutrient powder programs scaled up too quickly? Have the programs come before the evidence? Stanley Zlotkin (SickKids)
Debate: Have micronutrient powder programs scaled up too quickly? Have the programs come before the evidence? Maria Elena Jefferds (CDC), Moderator.
Debate: Have micronutrient powder programs scaled up too quickly? Have the programs come before the evidence? Marie Ruel (IFPRI), MN Forum International Steering Committee member
Debate: Have micronutrient powder programs scaled up too quickly? Have the programs come before the evidence? Omar Dary (USAID)
Debate: Have micronutrient powder programs scaled up too quickly? Have the programs come before the evidence?
Debate: Have micronutrient powder programs scaled up too quickly? Have the programs come before the evidence?
Debate: Have micronutrient powder programs scaled up too quickly? Have the programs come before the evidence? Maria Elena Jefferds (CDC), Chair of the MN Forum Global Conference Program Committee
Debate: Have micronutrient powder programs scaled up too quickly? Have the programs come before the evidence? Omar Dary (USAID)
Debate: Have micronutrient programs scaled up too quickly? Have the programs come before the evidence? Marie Ruel (IFPRI), Omary Dary (USAID), Stanley Zlotkin (SickKids)
Emorn Udomkesmalee, MN Forum International Steering Committee member presents Crystal Karakochuk (left) with the ILSI Research Foundation Micronutrient Award
MN Forum 2016 Global Conference Gala
Lindsay Allen, member of the Micronutrient Forum International Steering Committee, accepting the Mathile Institute Career Achievement in Evidence Translation Award
Juan Rivera, President of the MN Forum Local Organizing Committee, speaks at the Wednesday evening Gala
MN Forum 2016 Global Conference Gala
Lindsay Allen, member of the Micronutrient Forum International Steering Committee, accepting the Mathile Institute Career Achievement in Evidence Translation Award
Ian Darnton-Hill, MN Forum International Steering Committe member
Session: Micronutrients in breastmilk and relationships to maternal and infant status. Emorn Udomkesmalee, member of the MN Forum International Steering Committee
Session: New biomarkers/indicators for assessing micronutrient status in population-based surveys
Elevator Pitch presentation – Muzi Na
Elevator Pitch presentation – Philip James
Plenary: Positioning women’s nutrition at the centre of sustainable development. Questions from the floor
Session: Climate change and micronutrient nutrition
Session: Country ownership and leadership in working with multiple actors (bilateral agencies, private donors, multilateral organizations, NGOs, CSOs, academia, private sector) to promote policies, enable innovation and fund effective national micronutrient strategies
Session: Micronutrients in breastmilk and relationships to maternal and infant status
Session: Advances in program monitoring. Chowdhury Jalal (Micronutrient Initiative)
Session: Adolescent nutrition, achievements, challenges and future actions. Jennifer Busch-Hallen (Micronutrient Initiative)
Session: Transformational leadership. Namukoto Covic (International Food and Policy Research Institute, IFPRI)
Session: Transformational leadership
Between sessions
MN Forum 2016 Global Conference Gala
MN Forum 2016 Global Conference Gala: (l-r) Katharine Kreis (PATH), Howarth Bouis (HarvestPlus), Bonnie McClafferty (GAIN)
Klaus Kraemer (Sight and Life), member, MN Forum International Steering Committee and Rafael Flores-Ayala (CDC), Co-chair, MN Forum International Steering Committee
Turismo y Convenciones (T&C) conference organisers – registration desk staff
Plenary: Positioning women’s nutrition at the centre of sustainable development. Lynnette Neufeld (GAIN), Chair, MN Forum International Steering Committee
Opening Keynote: Better nutrition – translating commitments into results and impacts
Opening Keynote: Gerda Verburg – U.N. Assistant Secretary General, and the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement (SUN) Coordinator
Plenary: Positioning women’s nutrition at the centre of sustainable development. Jacqueline Kung’u (Micronutrient Initiative)
Plenary: Positioning women’s nutrition at the centre of sustainable development. Robert Black (Johns Hopkins University)
Plenary: Positioning women’s nutrition at the centre of sustainable development. Ana Langer (Harvard School of Public Health)
Venkatesh Mannar (University of Toronto, The Tata Trusts) and Chris Dendys (Micronutrient Initiative)
Symposium: Tackling the needs of women and children during the first 1000 days through an integrated agriculture-nutrition-health intervention (MAMA SASHA) using biofortified sweet potato
Opening ceremony
Opening ceremony (l-r): Lic. Josué Vargas Olmos, Director de Evaluación, PROSPERA; Joel Spicer, President, Micronutrient Initiative; Lynnette Neufeld, Chair, MN Forum International Steering Committee; Dr. Mauricio Hernández, Director, National Institute of Public Health (INSP), Mexico: Juan Rivera, Chair, MN Forum Local Organizing Committee Chair
Symposium: Women’s nutrition now – improving access to health and nutrition for pregnant women (Micronutrient Initiative)
Symposium: Elimination of IDD from the Americas – a public health triumph (Iodine Global Network)
Symposium: The responsibility of industry in public health nutrition (DSM)
Symposium: A new global repository for food fortification: helping to map and track food fortification efforts globally (GAIN, IGN, FFI, and the MN Forum). (l-r) Rafael Flores-Ayala (CDC, Co-chair MN Forum International Steering Committee), Senoe Torgerson (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), Obey Assery Nkya (Director, Government Business Coordination, Prime Minister’s Office, Tanzania. SUN Country Focal Point), Sarah Zimmerman (Food Fortification Initiative)
Symposium: Stories of change in nutrition (IFPRI)
Nancy Pinel, MN Forum Secretariat and Myriam Martinez, Micronutrient Initiative
Symposium: Nutrition-sensitive programming: addressing the underlying determinants of malnutrition in Ecuador, Honduras and the Dominican Republic. Key examples of the WFP work in the region (WFP)
Symposium: The responsibility of industry in public health nutrition (DSM)
Symposium: A new global repository for food fortification: helping to map and track food fortification efforts globally (GAIN, IGN, FFI, and the MN Forum)
Sunday arrivals
Sunday arrivals
Sunday arrivals
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