Due to the high demand for sharing new information and contributing to the dialogue at the upcoming conference, the Micronutrient Forum is issuing a call for late-breaking abstracts.
The deadline is 22 July 2016.
Abstracts can be submitted here
The MN Forum Global Conference 2016: Positioning Women’s Nutrition at the Centre of Sustainable Development, will be held in Cancun, Mexico, October 24-28. An additional day of Symposia will be scheduled for Sunday 23 October 2016. Sponsored Symposia will also be scheduled during the Conference week.
More good news!
The Early Bird Deadline has been extended to 12 August 2016. The early registration fee for regular attendees is $475, $250 for delegates from low-income countries, and $75 for students.
To register click here.
Visit the Conference website for more details about the program and the venue.
About the MN Forum Global Conference
While maintaining the broad interest in all aspects of micronutrients, the 2016 Conference will highlight the importance of placing women’s nutrition at the center of sustainable development.
Women are both a prime focus of nutrition interventions and key partners in the delivery of programs – for children, families and communities. The health and well-being of women and girls, in addition to being intrinsically valuable, are also critical to achieving several of the Sustainable Development Goals.
The program tracks will cover all population groups, while specifically highlighting women and girls:
Track 1: Measuring and interpreting information on micronutrient status and program coverage.
Track 2: Effects of micronutrient interventions on indicators and functional outcomes.
Track 3: Scaling up micronutrient interventions in vulnerable populations: Bridging the gaps between evidence and implementations.
Track 4: Transforming the enabling environment to forge a future for micronutrients – what will it take?
We look forward to welcoming you in Mexico in October!
Feel free to contact us with any questions or requests for assistance. The MN Forum Secretariat may be reached by email at: mnforum@micronutrient.org