Dear Colleagues and Partners,
The Micronutrient Forum is pleased to invite you to our 6th Global Conference, themed Nutrition for Resilience “N4R” – Ensuring Micronutrient Security in an Era of Complex Global Challenges.
Following the success of our fully virtual 2020 CONNECTED Conference with over 3,500 participants from around the world, we are pleased to announce the Forum’s 6th Global Conference will be a hybrid event on October 16-20, 2023, with a robust virtual program and in-person component at the World Forum in The Hague, Netherlands – a locus of international law and justice and well suited for a gathering centered on the human right to good nutrition.
The world today is being confronted by multiple, complex, and cascading shocks that impact human well-being, including nutrition and micronutrient security, such as climate change, ongoing food crises, COVID-19, and regional conflicts with national and global consequences. Undoubtedly, achieving the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development in an era of persistent challenges depends on our ability to strengthen the resilience of individuals and populations – as well as the systems on which they depend.
N4R will explore the interdependence of micronutrient nutrition and the resilience of individuals, communities, and systems, within the context of a world where crises are a new normal. A more complete understanding and sectoral examination of the key nutritional drivers for resilience is necessary, for example, to support immunity against emerging waves of infectious diseases, to develop more comprehensive shock-responsive systems in fragile settings, to investigate the evidence base on solutions that benefit climate and nutrition, and to scale-up impactful population-based prevention programs across both crisis and non-crisis contexts
In addition to this important thematic content, the conference will address the broad spectrum of micronutrient issues from research, program, and policy perspectives using our traditional four track structure.
- Track 1: Micronutrient Biology and Status Assessment: The biology of micronutrient nutrition and status assessment.
- Track 2: Efficacy and Safety of Micronutrient Interventions: The efficacy and safety of micronutrient interventions on micronutrient intake, status and related functional outcomes.
- Track 3: Program Implementation and Effectiveness: Bridging the gap between evidence and implementation to optimize the scale-up of micronutrient interventions.
- Track 4: Designing Enabling Environments for Micronutrients: Engaging new actors and building new alliances, and expanding the field of view to include global, regional, and national policy considerations, financing, innovative partnerships, climate change, communications, and advocacy.
By bringing together diverse stakeholders across sectors and disciplines, the Forum’s 6th Global Conference will help shape and establish a compelling and evidence-based agenda on the interdependence of nutrition and resilience – offering opportunities to advance integrated research, new policy priorities and investments for micronutrient interventions, and to accelerate progress towards global nutrition and development goals.
We hope you will join us on this exciting journey.
Key Dates | |
Early Bird Registration Opens | December 1, 2022 |
Abstract Submission Opens | December 15, 2022 |
Conference | October 16-20, 2023 |
On behalf of the Micronutrient Forum Leadership,
Saskia Osendarp, PhD
Executive Director, Micronutrient Forum
Howdy Bouis, PhD
Chair, Board of Directors, Micronutrient Forum
Harvest Plus Founding Director, World Food Prize Laureate, 2016
Klaus Krаemer, PhD
Chair, Conference Committee, Micronutrient Forum 6th Global Conference
Managing Director, Sight and Life