UNFSS Webinar on Gender Equality: 14 September
The International Coalition for Advocacy on Nutrition (ICAN) and the SUN Civil Society Network (CSN) present a UN Food Systems Independent Dialogue on
Gender Equality: A Key Driver To Enhancing Food Systems and Good Nutrition
DATE: 14th September 2021
TIME: 8-10 AM EST | 2-4PM CET | 9-11 PM JST
This multi-stakeholder dialogue welcomes key actors across health and food sectors representing governments, civil society, and donors to this UN Food System Summit Independent Dialogue that will present the multi-sectoral and double-duty nutrition actions to support SMART commitments towards the 2021 Nutrition Year of Action.
The event will convene a panel of a range of experts, advocates, and commitment-makers to discuss the coordinated solutions for delivering better nutrition and health for women and girls to realize the human right to good health and nutrition.