Foreword from the Executive Director and the Chair of the Board

The Micronutrient Forum leadership developed this 2022-2025 Strategic Plan based on substantial internal and external feedback, informed by all our interactions with partners and stakeholders over the past several years.
Collaboration with partners is at the core of the Forum’s work, whether it addresses the dearth of biochemical status data, the scaling of effective micronutrient interventions for pregnant women, our biannual global conference, or modelling the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on nutrition.
We listened carefully to all our partners and learned where there are gaps the Forum should fill. This strategy is informed by their insights and lessons and based on a careful evaluation of where the Forum could add value.
This Strategy was developed for three main stakeholder groups: first, micronutrient-vulnerable populations whose health and well-being we aim to improve; second, partners and stakeholders, including national decision-makers who inform, co-create, and consume our work; and third, the staff and volunteer leadership (Board and Advisory Council) that guide and conduct the work of the Forum. The Forum’s work contributes to the enabling environment needed to achieve global nutrition goals, including the only Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG2) target related to micronutrients (anemia reduction in women of reproductive age) and micronutrient-related N4G commitments, tracked by the Global Nutrition Report. Over the life of this strategy, the Forum will annually survey our partners, leadership, and staff to gauge the effectiveness of our work – an important accountability activity.
The 2022-2025 Strategy represents both the programmatic and operational direction of the Forum as well as a commitment to partners that the Forum will continue to be a collaborative, evidence-driven, action-oriented organization that strives to respond to priorities (national and global) to improve micronutrient nutrition.
Importantly, this Strategy reflects our strong commitment to our vision and mission, and the need for an impartial, evidence-based convener to address pressing issues in micronutrient malnutrition.
Our work over the next four years will be guided by the proverb, “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” We look forward to going far and increasing our impact, together with all our partners and stakeholders.
On behalf of the Micronutrient Forum leadership,

Saskia Osendarp, PhD
Executive Director

Howarth Bouis, PhD
Chair of the Board of Directors